About Me

I'm currently employed as a Senior Scala Engineer at Centrica Business Solutions (formerly REstore) in Antwerp, and previously as a Research Engineer at iText in Ghent. I was a researcher at KU Leuven from 2016 to 2020, where I completed my PhD in mathematics under the supervision of prof. Stefaan Vaes. My research centred around the representation theory of rigid C*-tensor categories, subfactor theory and quantum groups.

I'm also available for part-time consulting work related to digital documents and digital signatures, especially in connection with my open source work in that space.

I have a strong interest in digital signing, especially as applied to PDF documents. In my personal projects, this mostly manifests in my work on pyHanko (a PDF signing toolkit). I'm also an active participant in various collaborative projects and standardisation programmes in the digital documents space:

Besides contributing to the "core" PDF standard (ISO 32000), I was also personally involved with the development of several published extension standards under SC 2, both technically and as a project leader.

Want to get in touch? Then drop me a message at matthias@mvalvekens.be.

Tools and technology

I'm most comfortable in Python (3.x), Java (1.7+) and Scala (2.12+). I've also worked with Haskell and Javascript. I learned the ropes fiddling around with calculators, which has left me with a fairly solid foundation in Zilog Z80 assembly — abstraction, what's that?

Jokes aside, I'm a big fan of the functional programming philosophy in general, and the way I approach problems in software development tends to reflect that. That said, I'm always happy to try new things and expand my toolbox.

Tinkering with software is my hobby: my trusty Raspberry Pi performs all sorts of useful and less-useful automation tasks, and I've got more silly project ideas than I'll ever have time to implement. This has made me a firm believer in the power of open source tooling and open standards to promote innovation.

Here's a non-exhaustive list of other, more specific tools I've used so far:

  • Django
  • git
  • LaTeX
  • PostgreSQL
  • docker
  • iText
  • Flask
  • celery
  • OpenSSL
  • GPG
  • gRPC
  • pandoc
  • Kubernetes
  • nginx
  • uWSGI
  • Vaadin
  • certbot
  • GnuCash
  • Django
  • git
  • LaTeX
  • GPG
  • gRPC
  • pandoc
  • nginx
  • certbot
  • GnuCash
  • PostgreSQL
  • docker
  • iText
  • Flask
  • celery
  • OpenSSL
  • Kubernetes
  • uWSGI
  • Vaadin

Side projects

  • pyHanko

    Sign PDFs using Python. Includes support for PKCS11 devices in general, and the Belgian eID in particular. PyHanko also deals with all baseline PAdES profiles. This project is currently in alpha, but is already being used in production workflows by quite a few organisations, including some companies operating in the trust services sector.

  • certomancer

    Quickly construct, mock and deploy PKI test configurations using simple, declarative YAML config. Includes integrated CRL, OCSP and time stamping service provisioning. Certomancer provides a standalone WSGI application with minimal setup requirements, and also integrates with requests-mock. This tool is heavily used in pyHanko’s test suite.

  • django-double-entry

    Django reusable app to provide support for basic double-entry bookkeeping in the Django ORM. It also implements a highly customisable transaction processing API. The code is well-tested and has been running in production systems for about two years now.

  • django-partial-state

    Support for transparent handling of incomplete objects in the Django ORM.

  • Boggle

    A fairly basic Boggle clone with a Bulma-based user interface and a server running on top of Flask. Communication between client and server happens through a very simple JSON API. Goal: provide some responsible family entertainment during the coronavirus crisis.
    This project is no longer actively maintained.

Mathematical writings

Research articles

  1. D. Kyed, S. Raum, S. Vaes, and M. Valvekens, L2-Betti numbers of rigid C*-tensor categories and discrete quantum groups, Analysis & PDE 10 (2017), no. 7, 1757–1791. arXiv:1701.06447
  2. S. Vaes and M. Valvekens, Property (T) discrete quantum groups and subfactors with triangle presentations, Advances in Mathematics 345 (2019), 382–428. arXiv:1804.04006
  3. M. Valvekens, L2-Betti numbers of rigid C*-tensor categories associated with totally disconnected groups, International Mathematics Research Notices 2022 (2022), no. 14, 10704–10766. arXiv:2001.10757

PhD thesis

M. Valvekens, L2-Betti numbers for subfactors and rigid C*-tensor categories, KU Leuven (2020).

Full PhD dissertation text (PDF)
Source code for the algorithms discussed in the appendix can be made available upon request.


M. Valvekens, Some remarks on free products of rigid C*-2-categories, expository note (2020). arXiv:2008.12994


Mathematical colleagues

Industry links


I speak Dutch, English, Japanese and French, and I'm involved with several choirs in and around Leuven.