Matthias Valvekens

Software developer

Photo credit
© Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Current status
I'm currently employed as a Senior Scala Engineer at Centrica Business Solutions (formerly REstore) in Antwerp, and previously as a Research Engineer at iText in Ghent. I was a researcher at KU Leuven from 2016 to 2020, where I completed my PhD in mathematics under the supervision of prof. Stefaan Vaes. My research centred around the representation theory of rigid C*-tensor categories, subfactor theory and quantum groups.
I'm also available for part-time consulting work related to digital documents and digital signatures, especially in connection with my open source work in that space.
Contact details
My vCardMy email address
My PGP key fingerprint
9C41 44F3 5E74 2C88 A5D2
563C 15F4 2BEF A159 BA54
My VAT number
BTW BE 0787.693.151